For the lovers of thrill and adventure – Fear Factory is the major attraction in town. It is the top-rated place to enjoy and test your endurance levels. It is not only the most horror place; Rather, it is also the largest place dedicated to this purpose as well. As an adventurer, both these qualities make Fear Factory one of the must-visit places in Salt Lake City for you. 

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What is Fear Factory?

Like any other factory, the Fear factory is enormous, covering six buildings with six floors and two underground passages. But in reality, it is a haunted house. Several artists and props are put into play to haunt the visitors in every possible way. 

How do they scare everyone?

Have you seen horror movies? How do you think they manage to scare you through effective sounds, manipulating tones, and other effects? How do they make you feel the reality of the character? Fear Factory is working on the same principles.

Do they provide different plans?

Yes, they have different opening times and a few activities to choose from. Amongst which the most famous one is the Grimm Ghost Tour. In the Grimm Ghost tour, you will be told stories of the Factory, when it was operational, and the reasons that led to its abandonment – obviously the freaky aspects involved. This is why it is named the Fear Factory.

You might want to enjoy a Zombie Bus Ride too:

It is a simple bus ride to bring you to the Fear Factory. However, the overall look of the bus and anticipation of something horror can make it frightening too.

You can even get your pictures from the Fear Factory:

How scared you actually were during the visit? Want to know? You can get access to the pictures of yours’ inside the Factory. This is a great way to remember your journey inside and the fun you had with your friends. They can also prove to be some of the great memories of the adventure you have taken part in.

Should you go alone to the Fear Factory?

Fear Factory would be a lot more fun if you planned a trip with your friends. Besides, they will be there for your company in case you are too freaked out. So, taking your group of besties along is a great way to have fun.

Can anyone be a part of this Fear Factory adventure?

Yes, anyone can be a part of it, but we would suggest if you do not welcome horror movies or are not brave enough to handle a few ghosts on your own, then this place is not for you.  

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